Business intelligence

We give CEOs clarity, confidence and certainty about their revenue generation.

Sales is the most important function of each business yet for many companies sales is a black box. Not knowing what’s happening inside makes it difficult for them to identify and solve problems and increase revenue and profit.

We're here to help

On one-to-one level Sales is Art, however as sales teams grow Sales becomes just as much Science. In the era of automated marketing, standardised sales processes, mature CRMs, and targeted sales training there should be no surprises regarding sales results.

Transforming company culture and especially when involving sales takes time. However it’s not a rocket science. We have developed a repeatable four steps programme called DISC that helps companies take one step at a time towards strong and predictable sales.

The four stages of the programme are Diagnostics, Insights, System and Culture and each step delivers a different specific outcome.

Please schedule a discovery call to discuss customising an engagement.

martin zeman

Martin turns data into insights, actions and higher EBITDA. A key lever in Rev Ops is accountability and transparency. Martin designs and builds automated business intelligence systems and dashboards that uncover the biggest issues and opportunities within your revenue engine to drive increased conversion rates, client retention and profit.

His success stories include an increase of conversion rate by 22%, reduction of sales cycle by 27% or saving a business from going bankrupt as a result of his sales data insights.

Martin is a Chairman of Private Equity Collective – a community of Private Equity professionals focused on value creation

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